Den nyare sortens tändningsstyrdon är förberedda för ett kodlås. Även kabelstammen i bilen är förberedd för kodlåset; ett antal ledare är framdragna till ett kontaktdon som slutar blint under instrumentbrädan. I vita kontakten på styrdonet är stift nr 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14 till för kodlåset. Svensksålda CX har dock aldrig levererats med kodlås.
Tændingsstyring T2 (89)
Ole M S 2002-09-01:
Fins der nogen som har et detaljeret kendskab til denna styring, specielt hvorledes man "åbner" for en enhed med aktiveret startspærre uden at kende koden! Jeg har en defekt enhed, og har på denne udloddet en lille 8-pins E-prom, og så lavet et interface til min PC, således at jeg kan læse ud de 32 minna-adresser med 16 bits data-ord. Adresse 0 indeholdt en hex-kode der kunne være en inverteret kode med fire siffre, men der må være mere hertil (ud over koden) således at systemet kan se om styringen er "låst" eller ej! Koden kunne også være krypteret, men det kan jeg kun finde ud af hvis jeg havde en styrebox der virkede og med kendt kode. Har nogen eventuelt en begagnad styrebox med kendt kode til salg? Jeg har ikke vovet (endnu) at udføre samme experiment med min egen styring, mest fordi jeg er myket afhængig af min bil, så hvis det nu gik galt så skulle der fremskaffes en anden styrebox!
Torbjörn F:
På de CX som har sålts i Sverige är inte kodlåsknappsatsen monterad. EEPROM:et sitter även i de tändstyrdon som används här, jag har läst av några stycken (det är exakt samma data i alla, oavsett om tändstyrdonet är avsett för turbo eller inte).
Dock hittar jag inte igen filen just nu (den kan finnas på någon diskett hemma).
Om jag minns rätt så börjar den med (hexdump)
00 00 32 00 , resten av eepromet är fyllt med FF.
Ska kolla om jag hittar filen hemma i kväll.
Vad är det för felsymptom på ditt trasiga tändstyrdon?
Ole M S:
Tak for svaret Torbjörn, min "fel" er at jeg inte våger at aktivere mit system derfor at jeg inte kender koden. Jeg har da 2 muligheder: At få vide hvad der default er indskrevet i EE-prommen, (og ddet er måske den information du har), eller at udlæse data fra EE-prommen for at identificere koden. NB! ALLE CX25 (turbo + TGI o.s.v.) produkceret efter januar 1987 kan direkte tilsluttes en kodelåsknapsats. Koden er da fra fabrikken indstillet til 0000. Jeg har selv udført dette tidligere med en CX25 GTI (88). I Danmark var kodelåsknapsatsen også ekstraudstyr der kunne købes for 4500 d.Kr ! Jeg købte selv en knapsats for 420 d.Kr og tilsluttede denne til ledningsnettet (et hvidt 10-polet stik) der i forvejen sitter det rigtige sted i instrument-bordet. Jeg er myket interesseret i de data du har fra tändstyrdoner efter januar 1987 og uden koden aktiveret (som den var på både Danske og Svenske biler).
Torbjörn F:
Nu har jag hittat filen från ett styrdon utan aktiverad kod:
Hoppas det hjälper!
Peter Åberg:
Undras om en knappsats från en XM skulle passa? Det kunde man kanske hitta på skroten för en överkomlig peng om man vill utrusta sin CX med kodlås....
Keypad immobiliser on late CX GTi Turbo
David 2002-08-08:
I'm in the process of getting an '89 GTi Turbo back on the road, and have a query concerning the keypad immobiliser fitted in place of the previous trip computer. Ever since buying the car, I haven't used the immobiliser, and it seems to be in a 'permanently enabled' state, as the car starts fine. The problem is that I don't have any idea what the previous code was - nor indeed any instructions on its use. My concern is that should
the immobiliser, for any reason, decide to become enabled, I'll be "dans le merde". So, does anyone know if the system can be 're-set' to a known code (I assume it's part of the AEI ignition ECU) - or do I just hope for the
best??! It might also be nice to actually use the immobiliser - though I don't think many thieves are interested ;-)
There is no way of changing the code without the original, if you have no idea don't touch that keypad! Most people leave it on the factory default code but who knows, if it's put on by mistake and you realise do not lock the car! If it's put on there is no way of unlocking the AEI and you have to replace it! If you have kids fix the flap down so they can't get at the switch!! You can get photo copies of the glovebox manual for any dealership they have to phone technical. Hope this doesn't scare you too much. Enjoy your CX!
The safest way to overcome this problem is disconnecting the keypad.
Behind the keypadpanel there is a multi-connector, take this apart
and your problem is solved!!
Electronic Ignition security Lock
Glyn R (UK) 2002-05-01:
Hi folks - I've been away for about 18 months (no - not at Her Majesty's pleasure) and having just returned back in the UK the first thing I did was to buy another CX (of course). I've got yet another GTI T2 (1989) but the previous owner forgot the 4 figure code he entered into the ignition security code pad and the unit is now
disconnected. Is there any way I can re-set this or is there anyone who can de-code (like you can de-code radios or mobile phones)? Being a system used since the mid 1980's I wouldn't have thought it would be beyond possibility - but I don't know how to do it. Alternatively - does anyone have the complete unit plus the top cover that they want to sell - preferably WITH the code :) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Alan D:
I remember hearing of someone who bought a CX and sat in a car park playing with all the buttons - he was early for a meeting - and realised when he got back to the car later that he had fiddled the security code. When the main
dealer told him that the fix was to install a new unit for lots of UKLs he went back to the car and spent an afternoon going through all the codes from 0000 to 9999 till he found it.
Citroen preset the code to '0000' at the factory and there's probably a good chance that the code is still the factory default as two of my turbo 2's were '0000' It seems that most people just left the thing alone. Btw, the actual locking mechanism is in the AEI unit & not the keypad, so if your car starts - it means that it's obviously not locked. What you can then do is try changing the code. I don't know if you have the later owners manual? It describes how to change the code. If you don't, I'll try to dig out mine & send you a copy. Whatever you do, don't lock the AEI as 10,000 code combinations takes a while...:)
Glyn R:
The car starts OK. I do have an owners manual - thanks for the offer. In the manual it says that in order to change the code you have to know the code that is already selected. Thanks for the advice re not locking the AEI. Oh well here goes...
0000 Nope it aint that that one!
0001 No not that one either!
0003 No.. I'm getting bored already. Still only another 9,996 to go - I'll call you in about a month's time at this rate!