Citroën CX mekartips -> Motor -> Trimning
  uppdaterad 2007-09-11
The CGat

Trimning CXT2: Till toppen av sidan
  Polda 2006-12-17: Min luftmängdmätare på T2:an är inte bra, men jag har improviserat lite - så nu funkar den hyfsat bra. Men på locket står Bosch nr. 0 280 202 101. sitter den LMM på någon annan bil? Kan inte hitta någon CX T2 på skroten.   RuneCX: Alfa GTV6, iof ännu svårare att hitta. Men även BMW 530, 525 osv fungerar även om inte Bosch id stämmer helt. Lmm från 535 tillsammans med ett uppställt turbotryck gör din T2 ännu mer intressant.
  Error: Vad är felet på din LMM? om kolbanan är sliten så går det att vinkla till släpkontakten så det har kontakt med "nytt" material.
  Polda: Felet med min LMM är att det inte verkar som CO skruven fungerar samt att jag har ``micklat´´ med den. Hur kan man justera turbotrycket på en T2? Hur mycket ska ``laddtrycks nålen ´´i varvräknaren ge för utslag normalt? Varifrån får den information? Vet att den är inblandad i tändmodulen. Har inte micklat så mycket med turboargregat, tänkte fråga på något ``turbo-forum´´   Error: Det instrumentet är inte att lita på. För att kontrollera att trycket är korrekt så behöver du ut och köra med en riktig manometer ansluten till bilen. Mätare på instrumentet får sin signal från tändningsdatorn som i son tur får signal från MAP-sensorn som sitter uppe vid vindrutan i närheten av expanstionskärlet. Kolla på efter andra bilar med samma LMM
  Adde: Det lättaste och mest effektiva sättet att justera turbotrycket är att installera en s.k. Boost Controller. Det går att öka laddtrycket till max 0,83 bar, förutsatt att du kör med 98 oktan och har en fungerande (ej igensatt) intercooler. Det ger runt 220 hk, men tyvärr räcker inte kopplingen riktigt till för den effekten. Nu kör jag med 0,7 bar för att undvika kopplingsslir.
   Laddtrycksnålen i varvräknaren är till ingen nytta när det gäller att bestämma laddtrycket. Vid 0,8 bar ligger visaren precis på gränsen mellan grönt och rött på min bil, men det funkar bara som en fingervisning. I stället förlitar jag mig på en kalibrerad turbotrycksmätare vars referenstryck tas från referenstrycket till bränsletrycksregulatorn. Mätaren har jag placerat nere till vänster om ratten på "hyllan" ovanför säkringsluckan.
   Turboaggregatet behöver du inte röra alls så länge som det är friskt. Det är dock mycket viktigt att man låter turbon varva ner ordentligt innan man stänger av motorn - speciellt om man har kört lite hårdare (t.ex. motorvägskörning). Turbon på CX kyls endast av oljan vilket gör den extremt varm vid högre belastning. En motorolja med bra värmeegenskaper är en billig och livsnödvändig investering om du tänker trimma...

  Vegardb 2007-08-07: Den gamle T2'en var begynt å bli litt slapp, og det gamle turbodraget manglet liksom litt. Dette ble løsninga: Åpnet Wastegaten, tok ut fjæra (som nok har blitt litt slappere), snudde "koppen" inni lokket som fjæra hviler mot samt la på et par store skiver - komprimerte/strammet fjæra altså kanskje en centimeter. Resultat: Går som ei kule. Turbotrykket er tydelig økt, viseren (dog unøyaktig) nærmer seg det røde feltet. Tipper det må være nærmere 200 hester... Tar det dog rolig - må jo passe på en slik gammel dame!   Seggan: Jeg har kjøpt en Turbo Booster som jeg skal montere på gummislangen som går til wastegaten. Sammen med et annet luftfilter, monterer et 'normalt' på en adapter som skrus fast der den svarte boksen festes. Da blir det ca. 200 hester...gleder meg. Turbotrykket kan være max. 0.83, så jeg legger meg på 0.7 for å være på den sikre siden.

Trimning CX25: Till toppen av sidan
   Mark G W 2001-02-22: What can be done on the normally aspirated CX in terms of bolt-on goodies that have any real effect, I am thinking of: exhaust manifolds & systems, less restrictive air filters/induction kits, aftermarket fuel regulators, ECU mods, camshafts, gasflowed cylinder heads, replacement injection (Weber alpha type), different pistons, balancing, blueprinting? Anyone any experience orsuggestions?   Mike B: I appreciate your desire for a pure engine with a smooth powercurve, but what is inefficient about a turbo - it uses heat that is otherwise wasted to cram more air and so fuel into the engine thus making it much more efficient than it otherwise would be - more power with the same thermo-dynamic losses and friction. To get the same power from a larger engine would mean much greater lossses. The only easy way to get more power without turbo charging is to sacrifice tractability, a turbo actually improves it.
  Adrian C: I did hear somewhere that the AFM on Alfa 75 v6s was the same as that on a bigger BMW (635/735?). Since the 75 uses the same injection as the CX, would the AFM be the same? Both 2.5 injections?
  Daniel L: On the Turbo model you can easily increase the power output upto 220HP within an hour. Simply increase the turbo pressure to 0.8 bars. Remove the six nuts holding the pressure regulator cover on the turbo. Watch the membrane! There you will find a spring. Either change it for a stronger one, or simply put something under it to make it more pressed. This will cause the spring beeing stiffer, thus higher pressures will move it to open the bypass valve. This will cause higher turbo pressure and more power. We've done it here in Hungary, and 217 HP was measured on the dyno. Use an accurate pressure meter for checking the result! If the pressure goes over 1 bar (this is somewhere around the red part of the CX's own pressure meter), make the spring weaker. By the way, with this modification, the power increases, but the mixture may become poor over 3000rpm. This means that for higher HPs you may make some changes on the fuel system too, but for a start this is easy and effective. Happy engine blowing! :)

   Leif 2002-02-13: Jag har nyligen köpt en GTi kat som ger 123 hk (komp 8.0:1), en okattad GTi ger 138 hk (komp 8.75:1). Ligger skillnaden i topplocket och/eller andra kolvar? Anledningen till att jag frågar är att jag har tillgång till en ostrypt reservdels-GTi och funderar på att skifta topp ev plana den ytterligare en bit. Katalysatorn är borttagen, om den inte är integrerad med främre ljuddämparen, så den blir inget bekymmer. Finns det skillnader i insprutningsystemet som måste åtgärdas?   Johan G: Så vitt jag vet har min GTi med katalysator 138 hk. Men jag kanske har fel? Det står i alla fall 101 kW i besiktningsinstrumentet.
  Leif: Enligt mitt besiktningsinstrument har jag 89 Kw. Det är en 87:a.
  Peter: Jo, nog står det 89 kW i mitt oxå (25 GTi -88 med kat). Olika olika år?
  Leif: Jag har pratat med Citroën som säger att topplocket är detsamma, däremot är kolvarna lägre. Även ventilsätena är modifierade för blyfritt. Jag vet inte hur mycket som går att ta på ett topplock, men med lägre kolvar så tar ju inte ventilerna emot så lätt. På tal om effektuppgifter sa han att det cirkulerar en del konstiga uppgifter.

  Chris S 2006-09-26: Just got back with my CX25 Auto from a highly respected local speed shop, who ran it on a dyno. They found the following:
- Plugs too cold,
- Injectors dirty,
- Idle too slow,
- Mixture too lean.
The last 2 are interesting - they did not feel happy with the 900 rpm in gear Cit idling spec., settling for 1050rpm in neutral. I had found a low idle speed made hot starting difficult/nigh impossible, using the throttle did not help improve things, though activating the air con idle speed bypass did until the pack of cards fell over!
More interesting was their finding of the mixture being too lean which I have always suspected as:- 1) Plugs have always been grey, even on short runs around town, they are very white on longer runs. 2) Even with all the Swiss/Swedish etc. AP junk off & a proper AEI module (advanced timing), the exhaust gas was well below CURRENT Aussie limits (believed same as US general, but not Calf(?)). 3) The cabin is always very hot as excessive leanness = hot exhaust gas. 4) The final argument, might also be borne out in Paul's NOX problem, another result of lean mix.
Whatever, with the aid of a dyno the tuning guys were able to increase the fuel pressure, by judicious compression of the fuel regulator body. Not something for the inexperienced without a dyno. As an aside, most fuel rails these days seem to be at 2.5 & 3 Bar (vacuum off & on) bar compared with the CX's 2 & 2.5.
While alas most probably the pollution is higher, the engine now pulls like silk & very strongly & she idles far better too where a lot of that roughness has gone :-) Now for the testing over time, hope the fuel consumption doesn't get too wild.
And the cost before you rush out to have this done - 2 brand new TRX's :-(
They hugely improved my CX25's poke to the point where I feel an old hoon. She really goes like a rocket & so smoothly too, would love to take a Cx turbo to them :-).
  Andrew: What did they do to it then?
  Chris S: They put it on a dyno, found it was running lean throughout the range & adjusted the mixture by "devious" means - ie: compressed the fuel pressure regulator body. The difference in acceleration performance & smoothness is quite incredible. As the car is bog standard, its my guess all CX 25's are made to run lean, which may not help the fuel consumption (your getting less of a bang for your buck?). So far the economy seems to have improved!!! But I wouldn't try this sort of stuff without the appropriate experience & expensive test gear :-(   Simen B: Did you get a Dyno chart to prove the effect?
  Chris S: A full dyno chart takes 4 hours plus to develop, I didn't have that sort of money, it cost $600 as it was. But I will measure the fuel pressure soon so you blokes have an idea of wahat to go for. I also suspect the AEI (non AP) timing curve may not be optimal. Which means I could probably get a real road rocket if I spent $3 or 4k to have it totally Motronic'd - ie: optimised ignition & fuel curved :-) Really though I can't justify this, in first she has become a bit of a handful anyway & a definite cop target, the pooch ducks for cover trying to hide in the Pax footwell :-)   Arjen: Lean running should be adjusted with the spring in the air flow meter (or air bypass screw for stationary mixture), not by "compressing" your fuel pressure regulator.

Piggare CX20?: Till toppen av sidan
  Napoleon 2003-03-02: Om man skulle vilja modifiera sin CX20 för lite piggare körning, vad finns för möjligheter?
Det ska vara:
1. Skonsamt för motorn.
2. Relativt enkelt och inte alltför tidskrävande att åtgärda.
3. Bensinförbrukningen vid lugn körning får inte bli högre.
4. Behöver inte bli jättestark, dock lite piggare bara.
  Jarre: Byt till sportluftfilter! Jag har för mig att det finns av märket "Green Cotton" och "K&N" i din originaldimension! Kolla återförsäljarna i Sverige. En av dom är "". Sedan är det bara att byta avgassystem till ett grövre. Det är väl det enklaste du kan göra. Sen är det väl upp till dig att byta kamaxel också, men då börjar pengarna och karusellen snurra.
  Napoleon: Det där med luftfilter verkar ju enkelt...beträffande avgassystem har jag ett nytt standard som ligger och väntar, så det får bli en senare fråga. Faktum är att jag tycker ganska bra om motorn...spinner fint och har aldrig haft något större problem med den. Visst är den relativt slö i förhållande till bilens vikt (vilket särskilt märks med påkopplat släp el dyl), men fullt tillräcklig om man kan avhålla sig från galna omkörningar etc. Dessutom har jag fått för mig att utväxlingen gör att den lilla kraft som finns ändå disponeras ganska väl. Däremot tycker jag att det rycker lite väl mycket i bilen om man släpper gasen häftigt på låga vä inte varför. Kanske är det en egenhet man får leva med...det är verkligen ingen "stadsbil", trivs bättre på motorväg.   Error: Hmm, det gör inte min CX. Motorn är dock väldigt kraftlös på varvtal under 2500rpm när det är minusgrader ute innan den blir varm. Ang. trimmningen: Byt till en större förgasare!
  Anders (DK): Om motoren skal yde mere (uden at skades) - gælder det:
  1) Den må FØRST af alt være tip-top i orden. Er den ganske enkelt udslidt og fejljusteret (syg) - ja så dør den vanligt snabbt - om man pisker den. Tænding/forgasser/ventiler/stempler (kolver) må bare være i A1 tilstand.
  2) Første trimning/modificering er at gøre det let for motoren at komme af med skidtet. Stor rør diameter og dobbelte slut-exosboxe nedsætter trykket - men tager fortsat lyden - CX-stilen bevares fortsat.
  3) Andet punkt er mere luft til forbrænding - bedst med dobbelt standard luftfilter - specielle "sport" filtre nedsætter modstanden - men tillader også mere skadelig skidt - og støjer - det er IKKE behageligt (og ikke CX-stil) ved langtur.
  4) Tredje punkt er at kunne give motoren mere suppe - men bare på kommando. Gamle typer dobbelt forgassere - i perfekt stand - og lidt mindre end original - er enkle at justere og montere. SU eller Stromberg er suveræn til dette (havde en mini1000 med 2xSU - bare utrolig). Når de er i perfekt stand - kan de give utrolig fin kørsels økonomi - ved moderat kørsel. Og sprøjte ind store mængder suppe på kommando. Man kan også anvende 2 stykker overhalede/toptrimmede BX16 Weber forgassere.
  Det er YDERST vigtigt at den samlede forgasser størrelse IKKE er OVERdimensioneret - ellers kan tomgang (& CO-2 justering) blive en ukendt betegnelse - og forbruget blive et H.... - motoren drukner ganske enkelt - og bilsynet vil ikke se dig mere. Selvfølgelig kan man anvende indsprøjtning, turbo, planing af top, racer kamaksel, ha-ha gas (OG jeg SKAL komme efter dig) osv, osv - men SÅ bliver det dyrt og kompliceret - og motoren skades.
  Kjell H: Annars kan du prova 4-portsförgasare från Alfa Romeo Alfetta (dom flesta som är kvar står på skroten).Borde gå att anpassa. Ger bra effekt men känsliga för hur du använder högerfoten. Hade tidigt 80-tal en sådan som jag satte färd-dator på. Med lågskor gick det att köra på 0,7l/mil, med träskor kom jag inte under 0,9.
  GTV6: PSA-motorn i TRE är inte en skitmotor, tvärt om det är den enda motorn som du i en CX kan komma ner under 06-0,7 liter milen om den är frisk och rätt justerad. Cx passar sig bäst i maklig takt så.... Sedan om du vill kan man vässa den med fabriksdelar från Peugot. Det finns extraktorrör, insugningsrör passande exempelvis liggande Delorto 38 dvs dom läggs på var sida om insugningröret med separata filter. Dom kan som tidigare inlaga påpekat, hittas billigt från gamla Alfor. Samt kamaxel som lyfter några mm mer finns i rimliga prisnivåer. Det ger denna motor runt 150 KH och då inte turbogummisnodd hästar utan riktig kraft. En sådan operation tar inte många timmar. Det finns även exemplar med fyrventiltoppar, dubbla weber 45, e-grenrör, och rejskam samt 3 tum avgas som ger denna motor 200+++hk. Då kostar det. Både i bensin och fortkörningsböter.

  I tabellen till höger redovisas modeller där man byggt in en kraftigare version av PSA-motorn.

   (Hämtat från "Motorenumrüstung in der Praxis: Der PSA Euro Motor von Citroën" som beskriver motorbyte i en Talbot-Matra Murena från en Chrysler-motor till en Citroën 2,2 l.)
Typ  Volym
 Ventiler  Effekt
2,0l  1995  8V  174  275  J7R
 Renault 21
2,0l  1995  12V  134  174  J7R
 Renault 21
2,2l  2165  8V  107  170  J7T  R21, R25,
2,2l  2165  12V  137  182  J7T 720  Safrane

  Thed (Amazonklubben) 2003-11-14:   Jag är sugen på att bygga sugturbo på min B23a... Kan nån reda ut vad det innebär? Vad menas med att man "suger" genom förgasarna? Måste man trycksäkra förgasarna?
Sugturbo i Volvo 144. Förgasaren, Weber 45, flyttad framåt i motorrummet.
  Jonny:  Sugturbo innebär att förgasaren sitter före turbon. Med en tryckanläggning sitter förgasaren efter turbon så att den får ta emot laddtryck och det måste den vara avsedd för, s k trycktätad. Vid sugturbo behöver förgasaren ej trycktätas men turbon måste karbontätas, den trivs inte med det stora undertryck som blir vid stängt gasspjäll och motorn suger i sig olja genom turbons tätningar. Åker själv med en sugturboanläggning på B20 (ca180-200hk) och det går väl halvbra, men om jag skulle bygga nåt idag skulle jag bygga en tryckanläggning.
  B20power (Amazonklubben) 2003-05-13:  Vad behövs för delar för att bygga ihop en sugturbo-anläggning? Behövs det en tryckregulator och större bränslepump?   BPalsson:  När du suger genom förgasaren så används den ju som det var tänkt. Alltså behöver du ingen tryckregulator som justerar bränsletrycket med. Laddtrycket däremot kan det ju vara vettigt med en vanlig tryckregulator så att nålventilerna orkar hålla tätt. En större bränslepump är nog en vettig investering om du tänkt att gå över 150hk. I stora drag så behöver du en turbo, ett grenrör som passar eller en adapter från orginalgrenrör. Du behöver nån sorts adapter för att montera förgasaren på turbons sugsida samt nånting för att få fast tryckslangen på orginalinsuget. Du behöver ett T-kors där oljetryckskontakten sitter så att du kan få ut olja till turbon, sen får du svetsa på en retur i tråget. Sen är det väl divererse packningar, ombygnationer av gasreglage osv. Det är väl bara att börja bygga så märker du ju.
  Lången 2007-05-27:   Har en orginal B18 förutom att det sitter en K kam i den. Har fått nys om ett sugturbo kit, en rajay turbo som suger genom en Weber 45. Vad kan det bli för effekt?   JLundin:  Utvunnen effekt handlar inte om laddtryck utan om luftflöde, dvs. det massflöde man kan pressa in i en motor och som den förhoppningsvis sedan fångar in. Så för att kunna svara på din fråga så måste man veta vilken storlek aggregatet ifråga har..... Då det gäller Rajay så tillverkades dessa aggregat i tre storlekar, B, F och E. Ur ett B aggregat har jag för mig (utan att ha tittat på flödesmappen) så fick man ut max 250Hp, F aggregatet räckte till runt 370Hp, E som var den största i serien klarade av att leverera luft för effekter runt 450-490Hp. Att det skulle vara något fel på att suga igenom en Weber förstår jag inte, det är ju precis det man gör då man använder dom utan turbo..... Som vid alla sugturbo installationer så måste man ha ett förvärmt insug mellan förgasaren och turbons kompressordel, sedan är det viktigt att man håller ner arean i övergången mellan förgasaren och turbon. De gjutna insug som en gång såldes är inget att ha om man vill ha bra gassvar över hela varvtalsregistret. Det är ju ingen vits med att först försöka förgasa bränslet i förgasarhalsen för att sedan låta det kondensera i insugsröret innan turbon, eller hur? Behov av annan bränsle pump än original styrs helt av hur mycket soppa originalet klarar av att leverera. En regel jag i alla tider levt efter är att det behövs 50 timliter soppa per 150Hp, så klarar originalpumpen inte av att leverera mer än denna mängd så blir det till att byta upp sig på större pump.
  Edholm 2004-04-12:   Går det att montera en dumpventil på en B20 med sugturbo anläggning? Sätter man dumpen på insuget och sen bara en slang till före spjället?   CUpp:  Dumpen ska sitta efter turbon och före förgasaren så att turbon kan fortsätta trycka mot förgasaren även fast den är stängd, trycket går dock ut genom dumpen... Det är problemet på en sugturbo så blir det inget tryck över nånstans när du slutar gasa då förgasaren sluter tätt och turbon bara suger in det lilla trycket du hade efter förgasaren... Eller nåt. Så tyvärr. Dock förstår jag inte varför inte folk bygger tryckturbo istället, det är väl inte svårare. Man får byta nål i förgasaren bara så den klarar tryck... Jag ska trycka i alla fall.

   Tuningteile:   (Hämtat från "Motorenumrüstung in der Praxis: Der PSA Euro Motor von Citroën" som beskriver motorbyte i en Talbot-Matra Murena från en Chrysler-motor till en Citroën 2,2 l.)

Hier eine (bestimmt nicht vollständige) Liste aller für den Motor verfügbaren Tuningteilen:
  • Sportkupplungen
  • Nockenwelle von Polytecnic, Beschreibung im Kapitel technische Daten.
  • Aluminiumölwanne mit 5.5l Füllmenge (Naßsumpf) vom Citroën CX 2 oder 2.2l für den Quereinbau und vom Renault R21 Turbo mit 5.7 l Füllmenge für den Längseinbau.
  • Schleudergegossene und verstärkten Kolben mit einer Verdichtung von 10.35:1 statt 9.8:1 (für ca. 900 DM). Damit kann man Motoren mit ca. 200 bis 220 PS Leitung bei einer Maximaldrehzahl von 7000 1/min aufbauen. Diese sind bei Polytecnic lagernd erhältlich.
  • Geschmiedete Kolben (für ca. 1900 DM), ebenfalls bei Polytecnic wenn mehr Leistung, eine Drehzahl größer als 7500 1/min und 20% weniger Kolbenmasse gewünscht wird. Diese Kolben werden auf Wunsch gefertigt, deshalb kann hier die Verdichtung vom Kunden zwischen 10.5 und 11:1 vorgegeben werden.
  • Laufbuchsen von Polytecnic. Diese haben im Gegensatz zu den Serienbuchsen gehärtete Laufflächen. Preis ca. 450 DM.
  • Eine Ansaugbrücke für Sportvergaser oder kompatible Drosselklappeneinheiten für Einspritzanlagen (längs- und querliegende Frontmotoren, nicht im murena passend) gibt es zum Beispiel in England bei Europa Specialist Spares (siehe Bild oben).
  • Ein möglicher Lieferant in Deutschland: Knobloch
  Beide Kolbentypen von Politecnic werden bei Cosworth hergestellt. Im Gegensatz zu den Serienkolben sind die Kolbenbolzen nicht in das Pleuel eingepreßt, sondern schwimmend gelagert (mit Ringen gegen Herausrutschen gesichert) was bei einer hohen Motorbelastung für weniger Reibung und somit mehr Leistung sorgt (bis zu 10%!!!).
  Bei Tuning des Motors über 150 PS muß eine zusätzliche Ölkühlung eingebaut werden, damit das Öl nicht so schnell zerfällt (cracken, sieht man an der allmählichen Schwarzfärbung) und ein höherer Druck durch eine größere Viskosität möglich ist. Hier gibt es Adapter, die zwischen Motorblock und Ölfilter geschraubt werden und einen Thermostat beinhalten, wie auch im Bild rechts gezeigt. Davon ausgehend muß ein Paar Schläuche zu einem kleinen Kühler gelegt werden, der sich im Bereich unter dem Tank befinden kann und mit einem Gitter vor Steinschlägen geschützt werden muß. Bei den Armaturen und Schläuchen darf auf keinen Fall gespart werden, das mußten schon so manche Kunden getunter Motoren teuer mit einem klappernden Motor bezahlen, nachdem sie nicht auf den Rat von Herrn Seifert von H&S-Motortechnik hören wollten und billige Leitungen einbauten.

   Was wie bei der Bremsanlage (Stahl-Flex) für das Flugzeug gut ist, ist für ein KFZ schon 3x gut, da im Flugzeugbau die Sicherheiten wesentlich höher angesetzt werden. Bei Rennmotoren wird das ohnehin standardmäßig verbaut, in der Serie natürlich wegen ein paar Cent mehr Materialkosten nicht. Hier sollte auf alle Fälle die Originalität verlassen werden (Brems-, Kraftstoff-, Kühl- und Ölleitungen).

Maikonics CX-trimning: Till toppen av sidan
  Rod M 2000-09-24: Gentlemen: Can someone please tell me what Maikonics is? I have the impression it's some sort of UK firm that deals with performance-oriented CX motors. Are these the people to contact for fast CX motors?   Neil: Maiconics: 230 bhp, around 300 lb torque, 2nd gear wheel spins very reliable (if you're into that). After driving one even surgeons won't get the smile off your face! I'm still smiling - 5 yrs and a few more stages on.
  Dylan H: Maikonics uprated Turbo-1 and Turbo-2 engines. They offered a number of options, including replacing the original chip, a competition clutch, uprated intercooler (or an intercooler in the first place for a Turbo-1), and a number of other things. I believe they are no longer modifying CXs. I had my Turbo-1 enhanced many years ago (now long since sold), and their modifications significantly improved performance to 230 bhp and a dramatically improved torque range. I believe their complete set of modifications achieved a performance of 440 bhp on a Turbo-2.
  Mark G: Last details I had ( a couple of years ago now): Simon Greenwood, Brookdale Cottage, Henbury, Macclesfield, SK10 3LH
  Krisztian: Tel no: 44 1625 613351, Simon Greenwood. He lives in Cheshire, UK (in a small village outside Macclesfield). Please inform us, if he stills does CX tuning stuff.
  Drolnoj: I spoke to Simon Greenwood about having a conversion done (about 3 weeks ago) and he is definitely still in business! (2001-12-29)
  CGAT: I spoke with him only yesterday, He will still supply the conversion. (2002-02-17)
  Mike B: I have a GTi turbo 2 with a stage 1 Maikonics conversion which was fitted in about 1990. My car has been entirely reliable and has phenomenal acceleration when the turbo cuts in with a bang at about 2,300 rpm. Below this it is a very tractable and pleasant car to trundle about in or to cruise on the motorway.
  I have been running it for 10 years no wand have done 80k miles (it had done 56k when I bought it from dear Roger) with it in that time. The conversion has never caused any problems. All I have had is one clutch, new spheres, radiator and recently a new water pump. It goes like the proverbial whatsit off a shovel - boost comes in with a whoosh at about 2500 rpm but always feels safe with plenty of grip. I once cracked a brake disc at a track day at Snetterton. Lot's of people thought I was mad to come with "the great grey whale" but I saw off a lot of more likely cars and found it to be a great car to corner on the limit. Understeer disappears as the back wheels assume a greater angle from the vertical and it becomes very neutral at higher speeds. At low speeds it always understeers. I would say go for it if its condition is reasonable. The engine and turbo are unburstable if you stick to full synthetic and the correct Gold Palladium plugs.   The last I heard from Simon G is that he had run out of work on CXs and is onto other kits. But he may still be able to supply the parts. The main bits are rechipping the ecu and high flow injectors, the turbo is set to a higher boost and a set of gold/palladium plugs.
  Matt R: If you can find a Maikonics ECU for it, you should be able to take it straight up to 220hp. They can go beyond this, but you need a new clutch before the new intercooler, pistons, turbo... etc. My Dad had his taken up to 300hp - it was brilliant!
  Cgat 2002-12-03: Simon Greenwood is an electronics consultant and he did CX conversions through his company, the hardware is his doing and he fits and sets it up. The stage 1 was around £500 I think 'don't need go any more' if you have a slightly dodgy clutch you'll be best to add the AP version wich requires the modified flywheel to facilitate it that too was around £500. Don't waste money putting a new std clutch in; it is false ecconomy. From memory the stage 1 torque figure is around 317 ftlb @3500 rpm, it can light up the tyres in 2nd from standing at the lights ETC, when you get in to cams and things the car is changed and not as friendly to drive which is why I recommended that you only get the stage 1. Mike on the list will support this is enough with his T2 Maikonics. Don't think he does it anymore he moved away from Henbury to Crewe last April and I haven't been able to contact him since. You maybe lucky and a Maikonics car could turn up for scrap 'oooo swearing sorry' recycling I meant :-)
  Julian 2004-06-05: Basically Simon was a victim of his own success - so many enthusiasts phoned him , at any time of the day or night, that in the end he couldn't get enough work done . So he moved on . To the best of my knowledge all his Maikonics engines are still sound - a tribute to his work and the basic strength of the Citroen design .

The CGat
(Bilder på motor, topplock, turbo, svänghjul, oljekylare m m finns på CX-L).
  Neil: My car is a 1986 GTI Turbo 1, Series 2, and had a few modifications done to the engine: turbo, cooling, clutch, gearbox and suspension. Engine management has been modified with a Maikonics Conversion. What I got was:
* the management/waste gate conversion
* water cooled high boost turbo
* RS500 intercooler
* AP clutch conversion.
* changed spheres to compliment the wheels and tyres to stiffen her up and this makes the car change direction without the usual CX wallow.
   After thrashing it around for a while, I managed to separate the piston ring land from the piston and so was faced with a rebuild which I did myself. This time a few more goodies were added: the head, the cam, oil cooler (oil to air radiator) and a T2D gearbox. All went well for 10,000 miles then I blew it to bits again.
   Now I've started with a brand new engine that was stripped, lightened and balanced and had the pistons dished to lower the compression to around 6.8:1 and a bigger turbo to supply the air for the eight injectors (when I finally get the inlet stubs back).
    (No modifications have been made to the brakes other than trying different makes of pads and disc. The standard setup starts to fade after a few alledged 150mph plus passes and quick stops. The discs turn electric blue, the pad thickness warning wires fall out of the pad and smoke billows out the wheels and arches. Have tried different brake disc and pad configurations and "OE" comes out best (lasting around 1000 miles before the discs crack) drilled discs EXPLODE!)
  Erwin 2001-12-30: Can you tell more about what you have done with your engine? In more detail?   Neil: Have a spare 8 years or 9000 quid as a starter. Start with a brand new engine, strip - lighten - balance everything; crankrods - pistons - flywheel etc. Pistons are dished, cylinderhead has been reworked gas flowed, ports & valves reshaped. High lift long duration cam, flywheel lost 18 lbs on std, T3/4 water cooled turbo, RS500 intercooler, AP clutch, 18 row thermostatically controlled oil cooler with remote oil filter housing, modified airflow meter (introduce resistors to it to richen it up), piper cross cone air filter, reworked throttle body, a straight through twin 2.5 inch exhaust and the Maikonics engine management / wastegate conversion. Fuel injectors, standard 1 per cylinder, mine will have 2. I have gone back to the old steel top mount they last longer and are cheaper. I've tried nylon bushes but they don't last very long.
   Power is then driven through a brand new T1 gearbox stripped and rebuilt with later bearings and a diesel T2 crown and pinion. With the exception of the 8 injectors it's close to the 440bhp spec Maikonics car.
  Johan G: Do you have a technical description of the system? Closeup pictures? Block layout and components?   Neil: These are kept close to Simon G's chest. I broke one of the unit open once for a look, all it revealed was a resin block with some protruding wires connecting up within the ECU. What I can tell you is the STAGE1 costs around 600.00 GBP (if he fits and sets the car up, don't know ex works price?) and it consists of:
   - ECU Conversion. Enables igntion timing to be retarded / advanced according to boost pressure, he quotes "upto 35 psi". I have talked to many many Superchip, Starchip and associated piggy back system suppliers and no one else can or is prepared to do anything for the CX as it's an oddball set up. I have looked at a racing set up, bespoke mapping ETC but this will mean spending at least another 2000 GBP. This is a reliable system, my car has run on it since 1996 without (touch wood) any ECU problems.
   - Wastegate modification. Enables the boost pressure to be altered to suit, up to 15 lbs on an intercooled car (T2) and a different (stronger) spring is fitted.
   - New platinum NGK plugs. The difference can be noticed if you run them on lesser plugs.
   Stage 0ne in my humble opinion is the way to go, cheapest usable power increase to around 230hp T1 and 250hp T2. If the clutch is slightly suspect and you plan to go with more mods I recommend you fit the AP clutch, otherwise new standard will be OK just DON'T ride your foot on the pedal (your clutch will be dust!)
   Like me you can spend a lot more to see less for it hp wise if you know what I mean. Collectively all the mods add a lot of power and it's a chunk of money to chuck at a car unless you're rich or serious. I've done mine spread over 6 years and was fortunate to be in the right place at the right time on occasion. Having driven a stage 1 T2 again I'm reminded of how flexible the conversion makes the cars mid range. CGAT is now a revvy engine by comparison and harder to drive (dropping down to over take ETC). Both are still fun to drive.
  Gary D 2002-02-18: I have the stage 1 Maikonics conversion and I can endorse all Neil (=CGAT) says - it is fast smooth reliable and grear fun. Mine is on the second clutch - just the standard one. Adjustment is important, leave it just a millimetre slacker thqan normal so that ther can be no tension on the cable standard is just begininng to get taught - you should be able to move the cable sideways about 1 cm. The right plugs are vital, shee just won;t run smoothly on ordinary plugs, but the good news is the gold-palladium ones last for ever. So is full synthetic oil. Mine uses no oil at 140 kmiles.
  Gary M: What is the number of the NGK Platinum plugs? and are they appropriate for the regular aspired, normal 25?   Neil: B9HV Turbo only, std NGK plug I think wil be B6HS or BPR6HS.
  Neil 2002-08-15: For those intereseted there are a couple of pictures of the 8 injector installation in the CGAT section of the photos at CX-L at Yahoo groups. The car is just as economical as before on the motorway but is a lot stronger than it was before. Still a bit more fine tuning to do but she runs and doesn't ping under full load anymore :-)
  My mate had a 320 bhp Cossie - he was most displeased when CGAT stuffed it :-)
Dubbla injektorer
  Vince 2003-04-14: I've tried to contact Maikonics 'Simon Greenwood' for a while now by email. I know approx 1 year ago he moved from the Brookdale cottage address to a new life. Effectively he's disappeared. Damn! I thought he was always in this business as you told before. Was the spring "rate" the only mod into the wastegate ?   Cats: Correct me if i'm wrong but working on a turbo conversion myself and having had some CX turbos I suspect the upgrade goes somewhere along the following route:
- upgrade turbo for a bigger unit, the series 2 turbo is redicously small, my R5 GT Turbo had the same on on 1400cc!
- dump standard injection system and go for a mapable ecu, the standard flapper system is a joke, it doesn't even work on slightly modded normal cars (we experimented a bit on our first S2 and the original injection was the reason to stop that and do something usefull.
  250hp should be easy this way. At that point headgaskets start popping, clutches go, gearbox break etc etc. After having been through that you're of towards 300hp, beyond that only brave people dare to go. Personally I think that any route retaining much from the original system is making life more difficult than needed. I'm VERY interested hearing EXACTLY what CGAT has on his car as I've always been told it has something to do with 2 orginal systems? For more info on tuning in general (very non CX and non turbo specific): it explains mapped engine management among other things.
  CGat 2003-04-14: Hello :-) this old chestnut again :-)
  The wastegate has an adjuster, pop the top off the alloy cover to reveal a hex key headed bolt; this is loctited in place as it is set at the factory.
   To increase the boost the bolt is turned in bunching up the spring and maintaining a higher load on the valve before it will open.
   Before you can do this though you'll need some method of retarding the ignition timing....The Maikonics conversion is the only way I've experienced though I think Dave170c went methanol?
   Over the years I've spoken to many piggy back ignition and injection system suppliers all are keen to help...until you mention the triggering method.
   The CX has a 'bastard' n0 of teeth on the fly wheel (this is from memory like the rest of cgat stuff not written down) 2 more teeth that the BMW set up and nothing Ford Vauxhall 36-2 or 60-2? or the other max power rides use so they're not common enough to warrant the development time on (I haven't looked for a year now so maybe someone has something available and I'll be in line to get some :-))
   The closest I got was to reinstall a distributor (that would be a challenge no drive gear on the turbo cam), have another flywheel cut with the necessary teeth on the back and mount a new sensor, fit a pulley to the front of the crank 'thinks of engine floating close to subframe when mounting gives in'
   The new mappable systems are great but a little modification would be required first 'unless you know of a new one please tell'
   Hmmmmm the motors coming out for a new clutch soon 'flywheel mod might get done yet'
   The comment about the injection being crap is true, 15lb of boost has it on the limit 18 can be squeezed adding resistors to the AFM and temp sensor, maybe Dave170c can share with you the way he has his car running 28lbs boost, mine blew the rubbers between the plenum and intakes 'not split blew em apart' at lower boost pressures. The samco silicone hose has been on a few years now and proved ok up to now
   I've never had a head gasket go touch wood! broken pistons driveshafts gearbox turbo clutch is the latest yes yes yes yes.and yes
   Now I have the car up and running on 8 injectors 'no piggy back system' I have to sort out the fuel delivery twin pumps I reckon.... it's endless :-) might not be this year though as I've just moved house well 6 weeks ago.
  Cats: I'm using this one: basically, don't need ANY trigger wheel. It triggers of the - side of a coil. You could probably use the signal of the TDC sensor on the CX or the return signal of the ECU firing the coil. this will work VERY well and you get to keep the Citroen ECU for ignition. I haven't got the megasquirt feeding fuel yet but I have driven around with it connect to see if everything is working ok. We've had it wired to several cars to see what the differences and problems were. There is a strong megasquirt following in the uk. 100ukp is all it costs.
  Neil: I have a Maikonics stage 1 and I think I was told that it relies on the knock sensor to cut out the ignition if it knocks - this causes a momentary hesitation. I find I have to use 97 octane fuel (eg Shell Optimax) plus an octane boosting additive. On this it does 25 mpg so that the cost is acceptable (to me) given the performance and smoothness. The engine has been totally reliable up to 150k miles.
   DaveC: My Cx T2 runs an HKS additional injector controller. The timing of the injector opening does not have to be at a precise point in the bottom end cycle. The HKS system i use only requires an rpm signal - it fires all the extra injectors at the same time (as does the original system it is piggy backed onto) The amount of extra fuel on boost is controlled by RPM and Boost (extra MAP sensor). Extra fuel is added at each cycle, the amount is governed by injector pulse width. I'm not on methanol, however the HKS system has enough capacity to run a water/methanol injection system and/or an intercooler spray bar. As for the standard CX turbo charger being too small - mine produces 28 Psi at 2400 RPM, and will continue on to over 35 Psi up to the red line. Air pressure hoses have been replaced with bits of aircraft refuel hose, but the standard ones were fine at 2 Bar. Ignition delay/advance boxes are available from various sources, they basically modify the LT input to the coils - the number of flywheel teeth is irrelevant on the ones i've seen. Many items used to tune the latest Jap"@*& cars can be fitted to any turbo car with a little thought. Check out Japandy site on Ebay to see what is available.Getting power is easy!! Only economy and reliability are obstacles.

   D Harris 2004-06-02: Is Maikonics still going? If so, has anyone got a contact number?   A Wright: I believe the guy (Simon Greenwood) has stopped doing them and no-one seems to know where he is these days.
  G: Mr. Greenwood was (not my words) a victim of his own success. He is an electronics professional, who dabbled, it seems, in the CX. People were ringing him at all times of the day and night, and it just got too much to handle . . . this is most definitely not to imply that the clearly very keen CX'ers of that time were less than polite or courteous - altho' there are always one or two, perhaps . . . It's time just passed, and Simon (as far as I am aware) is still working in electronics.

   Evert-Jan D 2004-11-23: Maikonics?
What do these sets consist of?
How easy are they to install?
Who made them?
Where can I get one?                                                                                                        
- Module added to the ECU to adjust timing + modifications to wastegate.
- Not easy as the designer doesn't want to do them anymore.
- See above.
- Nowhere, unfortunately
I have an '88 S2 T2 which has had the Maikonics mods - bought from an ex CX-L member. Sorry to cover old ground for those that have heard this too many times before, but basically:
   It has a modified AEI (of the soldering iron variety) where a custom electronic module has been inserted to control ignition advance and disable over-boost cut-off. It was designed to do its job well - without divulging the secret of how it works as it's 'potted' in some nice hard resin!
   It's got NGK B9HVX platinum plugs.
   It's also had the anti-tamper plug removed from the waste gate (and perhaps a stiffer spring installed) and the screw controlling the spring pre-load is now at the mercy of my screwdriver. What this means is that you can adjust the point at which boost pressure is strong enough to lift the waste gate valve off its seat, and thereby release boost to the exhaust, bypassing the turbo. Standard T2 boost pressure is, I believe, 8 or 9 PSI (someone correct me if I'm wrong) - 168BHP / 217lb/ft. Maikonics mods this to 15 PSI (1 Bar) which provides 250BHP / 320 lb/ft. Don't forget, you can't just wind the waste gate screw in without the overboost and advance mod in the AEI.
   Apart from perhaps a tweak of the AFM, that's pretty much it for the Maikonics mods.
   Problems start to occur primarily with the clutch, as the standard item is simply not up to the job - no good having all those extra horses if you can't get them to the wheels. With a good clutch, and everything working as it should, a 'standard' Maikonics T2 is a very quick car, and it appears that the hardware is well up to the extra punishment as mine has been modded for over 10 years now.
   Mine has had a few further 'improvements' by way of a new atmospheric dump valve (twin piston - grp A) to replace the standard Bosch re-circulating dump valve. The original item has a rubber diaphragm, and is only good for an un-modified car as the diaphragm splits and you loose pressure. Ok, so mine is a bit noisy - but you can always fit the equivalent re-circ type if you don't want the boy-racer noise.
   I've also added a new boost gauge as the original in-dash gauge reading is meaningless post Maikonics upgrade as the AEI is now being fooled about the amount of boost going on (thanks for that tip Neil). My new gauge did indeed report about 15PSI of boost - until, that is, I wound the waste gate screw in a few more turns and now it maxes on about 21-22PSI. (about 1.5 bar)
   Apart from the clutch, performance is now most satisfactory :¬) (Ask Stuart at Brodie Engineering how it goes) OK, so you have to back off the throttle in 3rd gear and above to control excess boost which simply un-sticks the clutch, and I would say that fuelling in 5th past 125 something's per hour could do with looking at - but other than that, the car is amazing. How many times have you been up the motorway and have not had to depress the throttle all the way to its stop to overtake or change lanes safely? I drove 400 miles to Yorkshire and back in a day last week, and used no more than ¾ throttle the entire journey - there is just so much urge in the car from just about any speed that for its age, it must have puzzled a few M1 motorway drivers.
   Future upgrades include a new modified clutch to handle the extra power, and I'm considering adding a fifth injector (where the cold start injector used to live on the T1) which will get triggered above a certain boost pressure to provide enrichment at high load/boost.
   Going on beyond this point requires quite substantial mods to the engine/fuel/exhaust systems etc (unless you bolt NOS on - feel free to comment now Neil) which of course can be achieved if you have the inclination. I (and some others) would say the best place to start would be to try and obtain a Maikonics modded car or AEI otherwise you won't be able to do much tuning in the boost department without working out how to either fix the advance/overboost problem or by scrapping the existing CX I.E/ A.E.I system in favour of a modern solution, which apparently seems very hard to achieve also. So that's my lot for now - relieved that you are :-)
   What I will add is the Maikonics conversion is the cheaper power per dollar way to go, the rest of it is expensive 10hp here and there gains, Ok it adds up to a lot in the end but it is huge effort unless you have loads of free cash and can pay someone to do it straight off, mine runs 8 injectors modified cylinder head, valves, turbo, throttle body, intercooler, oil cooler, flywheel, gearbox, exhaust, pistons, clutch all lightened balanced and NOS but not really played with that enough yet to comment other than it does make a difference :-)
   There are others that have had success using Japanese bolt on stuff but I have no experience of this and so can't comment but this was posted by davec170 I think?
   Evert-Jan D: Well, this is excellent information, thank you very much. This is precisely the sort of stuff I need. No one has any experience with using something like a customisable megasquirt injection then? I have to say I am very impressed with your results, and have to say the knowledge that there are people out there with vehicles like this is certainly warming me up to getting myself a CX Gti Turbo with the intention of getting all the power out of it that is possible. But, I see the T3 turbo has not been replaced, it's mostly dealing with the wastegate and compensating for the extra air by modifying the ECU? Hmmm, more questions to come... Dare I ask what your fuel consumption is like? Would either of you hazard a guess as to your current power output?

   Shane L 2004-11-28: I have just found out about Megasquirt. For a fraction of the price of just buying a CX air flow meter (I was quoted $780 + gst + postage) you could install a fully programmable injection system. Who could be bothered with the ridiculous price of Bosch OEM components when you could simply install a Megasquirt ???   Adrian C: Last time I looked it didn't handle sparks and therefore that timing - perhaps the most important aspect of Turbocharging. However, the MegaSquirt'n'Spark, MegaSquirt'n'EDIS, MegaJolt developments do now, and the MegaSquirt II "official" ignition & injection combination is about a month away from production.
   Lance 2004-11-28: The standard MegaSquirt doesn't control ignition at all, it is a fuel only device. If your ignition is a stanalone unit, then it will function fine with MegaSquirt, which only needs a 'tachometer' style input (i.e., one pulse per spark, or one pulse per cylinder per engine cycle [720° for a 4 cycle]). Other signals can usually be adapted by altering the set-up parameters.
   A few very clever people have re-written the embedded code for the MegaSquirt (called MegaSquirtnSpark-Extra, or MSnS-E) to allow ignition control of specific ignition modules, such as the Ford EDIS, GM 7-pin HEI, and others. Many people have chosen to adopt this code (which is a free upgrade) and one of the supported ignition modules (with the associated ignition system components) in order to have programmable ignition systems. You can find out more about MSnS-E here:
   The assembly and installation documents are fairly comprehensive, so you shouldn't need much electronics experience, just an ability to read and follow instructions (which I can tell by your carefully crafted letter that you are more than capable of!). The manual is here:
   MegaSquirt is capable of adjusting fuel (and spark advance/retard with MSnS-E) up to ~21 psi of boost, above that, fuel remains constant. However, it is possible to use other manifold absolute pressure sensors (MAP) that use a 0 to 5 volt output with some relatively minor software modifications. You can find out more about these by asking on the forum at:
   Finally, an upgrade for standard MegaSquirt's will be released shortly that will control fuel, several ignition modules, stepper motor style IAC idle controllers, and more. You can read about it here:

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